Buddha Buddies - Baby and Children Yoga Classes in Maidstone, Kent.

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Buddha Buddies, 2 The Terrace, Maidstone Road, Hadlow, Tonbridge TN11 0DL.

Tel; 01732 490736 / 07801 948969

Email: info@buddhabuddies.co.uk

Website: www.buddhabuddies.co.uk


Buddha Buddies - Baby & Children Yoga Classes In & Around Maidstone Areas of Kent, Which Are Suitable For Babies From Birth to Children Aged 5 Years Old.


Things for kids in Kent are pleased to bring you Buddha Buddies Baby & Kids Yoga Classes, suitable for children from birth right through to primary school age. Through a combination of structured and themed classes, Buddha Buddies allow children to enjoy being active but in an educational way. Most of their classes are themed, creating fun & dynamic lessons which provide both the parent and child with many benefits.

The benefits of children's yoga include self discipline, increased confidence, balance & co ordination, better communication, fitness, concentration & relaxation.

The imaginative and fun Classes on offer, use music and movement to enhance your child’s physical, emotional and intellectual development.

Buddha Buddies classes are chilled and informal & are carefully broken down into age groups with activities expertly tailored to appropriate skill sets. 

The Yoga Classes Available are:

Deliberate principle of no set lesson plan. Classes focus on natural reflexes including walking. Work on various levels of movement – up and down, swinging, inverted and bouncing. Allowing babies to become aware of their body and what it can do. Parents are able to recognise some of the smaller developmental milestones such as becoming aware of their hands and feet. Nursery rhymes, games and partner work are also involved. Mum’s encouraged to guide babies in a very relaxed atmosphere. 

Structured lesson plans with each one based around a theme. Themes are always educational but delivered in an exciting and dynamic format. Developing the same benefits as Buddha Babies classes but also including: balance, co-ordination, listening and communication, body awareness, team activities, relaxation and breathing. Child-friendly themes include Autumn, Balance, Sea and Jungle. 

Structured lesson plan. Theme-based with more challenging scenarios. Aspects include: partner work and concentration in addition to skills learned in Buddha Tots. We continue with the fun, stories, songs but allow more time for learning about breathing and mindfulness.

Yoga can help with:

* Digestive issues.
* Relaxation and improves sleep.
* Co-ordination, body awareness & motor development.
* Self confidence.
* Bonding between parent and child.
* Midline crossing – forming of synapses between the left and right hemisphere of the brain beneficial to on going brain function.
* Improved flexibility.
* Social skills.
* Conceptual ideas such as ‘taking turns’ and ‘sharing’.
*Increase in memory skills.
*Fine & Gross motor skills.


Buddha Buddies Yoga classes are available in:

Maidstone, West Malling, Kings Hill, Tonbridge, & Aylesford, Kent.

If you would like to contact Rachel for more information or to register your interest, please feel free to us the links below or contact details above. 


Testimonials ...


*  Baby & Children Yoga Classes In & Around Maidstone, Kent.

*  Suitable For Children Aged Between Birth & 5 Years Old.

*  Classes Based in West Malling, Kings Hill, Tonbridge, & Aylesford, Kent.


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