My Child has Chicken Pox - What to do?

How can I help my child with Chicken Pox?

I seem to get asked this question quite often, I think because I have older children, and now with having new mummy friends because of having a little one again, People think that there is a good chance I have experienced many concerns with kids. ... Actually I have! 

Not only was I a young Mum when I started, but I am now an old (er) Mum and over the last 20 (cough) something years, I have worked within a lot of childcare settings, mixed with my know it all personality, I always seem to have an answer for everything! ... (not that I am always correct or anything!) But I have picked up a few tips and tricks along the way, so seems a little rude not to share what has worked for me over the years.

So I'll start with what most parents dread, but some actually seem to embrace strangely and that is what is known to mankind as The Chicken Pox!!! 

I am not a doctor, so all what I am about to say is completely my own view of what helped my kids when they got 'The Pox' But what I can say is that if EVER my friends kids get Chicken Pox, then I am straight on the phone, sending pictures and raving about what I think is an absolute miracle worker. Saying this, I need to add, if you are concerned about your child's health, then you obviously should seek medical advice from your GP!


What is Chicken Pox? ...

I hear you say? Well, thanks to the fabulous Google Search I can tell you "Chicken Pox is an infectious disease causing a mild fever and a rash of itchy inflamed pimples which turn to blisters and then loose scabs. It is caused by the herpes zoster virus and mainly affects children."

Now, I know from experience, Chicken Pox can cause your child to have a high temperature and horrible flu type symptoms too. It isn't just about the spots! These spots are incredibly itchy and they can scar ... horribly!  When my daughter got it at the age of just two years old, she quickly learnt our saying "Slap Not Scratch!" and bless her, she did slap!!  

It is unbelievable that you spot maybe two or three spots, then you look again half an hour later and your precious child can be covered. You do everything you can to stop them from scratching and it is sooo hard! Also, there is a belief that you can only have The Pox once. NOT TRUE! My son has had it a total of three times!!!  The second and third were incredibly mild and without the poorly bit, so not too bad as it goes.


My Miracle Worker ...

My youngest one got Chicken Pox when he was also two years old. I have no idea where I heard about this stuff, but I found out about 'Magik Dead Sea Bath Salts'. You use a couple of tablespoons in a bath of warm water and bathe your child in it a couple of times per day. I used cotton wool soaked in this mixture for his face and head several times per day and I could not believe it, you literally see the spots shrink before your very eyes and before they even get to the horrible blistering stage - Which means no blisters, no scabs, no itching,  NO SCARS!!!

Somehow the Dead Sea Salt Mixture draws out any unwanted fluid within the body and rehydrates your skin. IT IS BLOODY AMAZING!!!! 

By the way, I am not being paid to write this, I just cannot stress enough how much I found it to be an absolute miracle worker and feel like I need to share with you parents that are going through the same horrible concerns you feel when your baby is unwell and you don't know how to help. I am sure that sometimes what works for one, may not work for another, but I need to get out there how brilliant I found this stuff. 

It is 100% natural, so not harmful in any way (Although I cannot guarantee you will be ok if you try to eat it - Please don't try!) It also relieves aching muscles, so if your child is unwell with Chicken Pox it can really help with sleep and will generally aid in relaxation, so again, even if it doesn't completely clear the spots, to help your little one feel a bit better is a God send in itself. 

I have continued to buy Magik Dead Sea Salts and we use them still in every bath even now. My son suffers from eczema and particularly in the winter months we find this helps his skin a lot.

I can't advise the best place to buy, but I have bought these amazing crystals at Holland & Barrett (although I am sure you can buy them elsewhere too, H&B are not the only stockists as far as I know) and the following is a description that I have copied from their website for your reference:

"Epsom Spa Salts from Sea Magik are a versatile spa bathing salt that can be used to relieve tired and aching muscles. Naturally sourced and rich in minerals, these pure Epsom salts are ideal to use in post-workout body recovery or to soften the skin.

Epsom mineral salts are rich in magnesium and sulphate to aid relaxation and have long been used as a traditional remedy to maintain skin health"

Prices are approx £6 for a bag of 1kg, which lasts for about three months in our house, but you can often find amazing offers Holland & Barrett's stores and on their website. As I am writing this, there is an offer on for buy one get one free - Very rude not to!

I am sure there are other brands out there and even alternatives to help with Chicken Pox and other skin related issues, but for me I swear by it, I personally wouldn't use anything else and I would recommend it to my friends without a doubt.


I hope this helps you somehow & also save you and your little one's some sleepless nights.  

Thank you for reading.


Magik Dead Sea Salts Chicken Pox Things kids Kent.png

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